WhatsApp Tips: How To Use WhatsApp As A Notepad ((INSTALL))
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Hello guys, I recently made a how to about whatsapp but the problem with that script is that it is way to long and you need to copy and paste it so many times so I made a new one that works just fine and is more easy to use lets get into it
Thanks, in class im getting bored pretty quick and then I'm going to screw around with my laptop so I was making harmless viruses and that got out of hand XD so now here it's the code for whatsapp bombing XD
thats perfect as per the script.CLICK "OK"Your default browser will open the web.whatsapp.comWhen its loaded and you are QR verified ,Click YESIt will search for the given contact in the search option of the whatsappand the contact receives the loads .........
hey gwen im the author of this article but i was locked out of my account xD just put the code in notepad and save it as allfiles and name your file: 'yourfilename'.vbs it will save as a .vbs file and you can run it before you run it you should login onto whatsapp.web.com just google the website and close the browser start your file and just folow the text boxes and my explaination
so lets say its a spam bot how it works is that you can connect with your pc to whatsapp with web.whatsapp.com on this website you can send messages to your contacts this script is made to automatically send an amount which you can put in and the sender and what the message is.
WhatsApp chats hold lots of our important messages, attachments, and other crucial personal/business data. That's why the majority of the users perform regular backups or exports to keep chats secure. But the manual way of exporting WhatsApp chats requires a one-by-one export process, which is quite time-consuming. In this fast pace world, there should be a way to export whatsapp chat. This article is all about it, as we will present all the possible methods to let users export all WhatsApp chats at once. So, let's get started.
Sorry I forgot to mention that I just want to block sharing of audio, video and documents through WhatsApp web and/or whatsapp desktop software. The user should be able to use the chat feature otherwise.
I don't really ask for a code example as I almost tried eveything, but more if someone ever successfully opened the whatsapp application WITHOUT passing through the share menu (with messenger tile, whatsapp, notepad...) ? 2b1af7f3a8