Torrent Malwarebytes
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As for why Malwarebytes blocked BitTorrent , this is because BitTorrent , and all torrent software, are what are known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications meaning it connects to many different servers/IP addresses (this is how files are downloaded through BitTorrent ) and because of this, sometimes BitTorrent will connect to a server that is also known for hosting malicious content. This is because servers/IP addresses are often shared by multiple sites, so while what you are downloading through BitTorrent may be perfectly safe, some of the sites hosted on some of the IP addresses that BitTorrent connects to may be malicious. Such connections are not a threat however, and you may exclude BitTorrent from the Web Protection component in Malwarebytes to stop the blocks from happening without compromising your protection (your web browser and other critical web facing programs will still be fully protected from malicious websites and other malicious content). To do so, add BitTorrent to your exclusions using the method described under the Exclude an Application that Connects to the Internet section of this support article.
It does same for me. AND I followed instruction for allow list and exclusions and still, ever time bittorrent is run it blocks it. So Malwarebytes technicians your telling me this Mawarebytes Premium service CANNOT tell the difference between a P2P program and a real virus!!!! That's immensly encouraging. That's hard to believe but rather than try to get it to work for the 50th time I'm just gonna uninstall it and quit my free premium trial 4 days early. What a hassle! Goodbye.
Dashke, Porthos, Ben L and Malwarebytes staff, please forgive my abrupt rudeness; I was experiencing a perfect storm of disappointments in multiple facets of my life and I handled this problem very poorly by taking it out on you guys. I'm truly sorry. Let me start by saying when I excluded BitTorrent I did it first using \"Allow File/Folder\"; then after it appeared again I used \"Allow a website\" since those were the object types that Malwarebytes had an issue with. I uninstalled Malwarebytes three days ago but as of 12/20/2020 7pm I've re-installed it and only have 1 day left on my Premium Trial but I'm going to use BitTorrent after I write this and I used \"Allow an Application to Connect to the Internet\" to exclude Bitorrent. I've attached the screenshot for you.
Due to lots of MWB pop-up warnings while using qBittorrent, I did a little reading and found that MWB is blocking some IP addresses that are used for torrent tracking. Attached image is an example. MWB makes it easy to exclude these IP addresses so my torrent manager can continue doing its thing.
The pop-up warnings state that all the \"blocked\" connections are \"Outbound.\" Creating exclusions allows those necessary Outbound connections to go through for my torrents. But if I understand correctly, it also opens the door to Inbound connections from those questionable IP addresses, which is relinquishing more control than is necessary.
My concern is that by creating \"exclusions\" for these IP addresses, my computer is left prone if one of those IP addresses want to do something bad to my computer besides the innocuous torrent-tracking.
Malwarebytes doesn't block torrent trackers deliberately. If your Bittorrent client is connecting to blocked IP addresses it is likely that they are IPs which are being shared by other sites that happen to contain malicious content and therefore are blocked by Malwarebytes (many sites can use the same IP address/server even though they reside on separate domains/URLs). This is why it is quite common to see peer-to-peer applications like Skype and Bittorrent clients attempting to connect to IP addresses that may be blocked by Malwarebytes. Excluding your Bittorrent client's main executable using the method described above by Porthos should resolve the issue while still blocking all malicious sites for your web browsers and other at-risk programs for your system. Once you have excluded it be sure to delete the exclusions you created for those individual trackers/IP addresses.
Beside the illegal nature of the act in some countries, many sites that index torrents are filled with aggressive ads and pop ups often tricking the user to run programs and other junk that they don't need.
This IP pops up only when I open Tixati to d/l torrent files. I don't know if it's related specifically to Tixati or one of the seeds. When I was using Vuze for torrent downloads I'd get similar alerts for a different IP when downloading.
What you are seeing is Malwarebytes doing its job. The web-blocker is stopping connections to your computer that could possibly infect your computer. This is common when using torrent programs and P2P programs.
Here is a list of publishers we detected during this period (ranked by monthly traffic) 2.2MOne of the reasons this attack lasted so long is the fact that the ad network (publited) delivering the malicious redirections via iframes had been compromised, a rare but more serious occurence.
In March, the website of the Transmission torrent client was hacked, and a maliciously-altered copy of Transmission was uploaded in place of the real one. That incident was very well-publicized, as the malware being distributed this way was the KeRanger ransomware, which is currently the only real ransomware ever to affect the Mac platform.
More generally, any time you are running something like a torrent client, you are giving a lot of trust to that program. After all, a torrent client is not only a downloader, it is also a server, designed to allow strangers to download from your computer. (Torrents are designed to facilitate peer-to-peer downloads, meaning that you download from other people rather than from a central server that may get bogged down.)
Thus, torrent apps can be a huge hole in your Mac's security if they aren't properly configured or have vulnerabilities that can be attacked remotely. Any app that opens up your computer to remote connections by strangers is a potentially highly dangerous app.
If you're using a different torrent app, be very cautious about which one and how you use it. With other Mac torrent apps (such as uTorrent) guilty of installing adware on the user's Mac, it's may be difficult to find one worthy of trust.Who signed that appTo be fair, such a hack could easily be repeated with many other small Mac developers who don't have adequate security practices. The core of the issue, above and beyond the issue of hacking a website, is that it is trivial to hack an app without most users noticing.
There was nothing in its FAQs about torrenting, so I contacted customer support to see if they could tell me. The reply I received was completely unhelpful, so I have no idea whether torrenting is tolerated by this VPN company.
If you are hoping to find a good VPN to torrent, always remember to be cautious of the files you download. Certain countries have very specific laws about torrenting, so be sure to check before you begin. You can find out more about the best VPNs for torrenting here.
This is hardly the first time that torrent sites have been punished for questionable connections. Earlier this year, Google Chrome started throwing up warnings for sites that encourage downloads of unwanted software, ensnaring several major torrent sites in the process. Again, the issue was not with the sites themselves, but with third-party ads that may try to install toolbars or other ad-injecting software.
I recently found that I had a virus and used Malwarebytes to help me get rid of it, which it did, but unfortunately right afterwards I started having trouble with connectivity to things. Now, when trying to run a torrent it's stuck in the \"Finding Peers\" state.
Currently my DHT, local peer discovery, and peer exchange are all working, though the DHT wasn't working for quite a while. The udp differs per torrent. It seems that certain torrents start to work after a while but others won't.
I recently loaded Malwarebytes onto my computer and it has been blocking a steady stream of outbound/inbound traffic from Utorrent to potentially nefarious ip addresses in china, russia, etc. but what is scaring me is that this is happening when no torrents are active i.e. no uploading, no download, no seeding, nothing paused. 153554b96e