Telecharger Gratuit Facebook Hack Tool V2.3
Wireless networks are common in enterprise environments, making them a prime target for penetration testers. Additionally, misconfigured wireless networks can be easily cracked, providing penetration testers with a great deal of valuable information about the network and its users. This article explores some of the most widely-used tools for different aspects of wireless network hacking.
Kismet is one of the most famous Wi-Fi hacking tools available. It is a network sniffer capable of monitoring 802.11 wireless traffic as well as other wireless protocols, such as Bluetooth and Zigbee.
Wireshark is designed to be an intuitive and easy-to-use tool, but it is designed for network traffic analysis. This means that, while the tool may be easy to use and invaluable for wireless hacking, an understanding of network fundamentals is necessary to use it effectively.
Kali Linux NetHunter is an open-source version of the Kali Linux operating system for Android devices. It provides several different tools for Wi-Fi hacking and mobile penetration testing, including Wireless 802.11 frame injection and one-click MANA Evil Access Point setup.
Wireless network hacking is an essential skill set for the modern penetration tester. While the tools described in this post are organized into categories, many have functionality that spans multiple different areas. Gaining familiarity with a few different wireless hacking tools can be a valuable investment in an ethical hacking career. 153554b96e