Motorola Radio Programming Softw !!BETTER!!
Motorola Radio Programming Softw ===>
Typically, two-way radios are programmed on PC. Most programming software is only designed to run on a PC, and not on a Mac. To program your radios, you will need the radios to program, radio programming software for your computer, and a programming cable with a USB and proper connection for your two-way radio.
In some cases, you can simply clone your two way radios instead of using programming software on a computer. For example, in the below video we demonstrate how to use the multi-unit charger and radio to clone the frequencies of the Motorola RM Series Radios without programming software.
If you need additional help programming your Motorola two-way radios, give us a call at (888) 742-5893, and our experts will be able to walk you through the program or provide you a quote so we can program them for you.
Motorola Solutions is very selective about sharing the software that powers their two way radios with the public. There are a number of reasons for this including, two way radios are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission, Motorola protects the investment its Dealers make, and Motorola two way radio software is licensed, subscription based software. does not share, provide, or sell Motorola software. will provide links to free Motorola Software for select models when allowed by Motorola Solutions. does have the ability to program your Motorola two way radios and will gladly provide you a quote to do so. Simply call us at 855-770-7194 to discuss your needs and we'll provide a customized quote. There is a nominal fee.
Motorola sells the programming software for all of its two way radios via Motorola's purchasing website. You'll visit the site, create an account (specify you're an End User), and then search for the part number for the software you need. Motorola will sell you the software online via credit card. Programming Cables have to be purchased from a Reseller like If you need with which software and cable you need, please chat with us below, send us an email, or call us at 855-770-7194.
Please note, there are some Motorola two way radios which allow you to download Motorola software. If a walkie talkie is purchased from us and programming software is available for download we will assist you with this. This is clearly represented on the product accessory pages for the product family. Simply click on the family of two way radio you're looking for. If you see programming cables offered for sale, we can help if you purchased two way radios from us. does not provide assistance with programming software or programming cables if a two way radio hasn't previously been purchased from us. We do this at the request of Motorola.
Motorola Solutions may sell you programming cables and software themselves. Please visit Motorola Solutions Home Page and request to chat. The Motorola Representative will provide you with more information.
Motorola has two different software packages: RSS (Radio Service Software) and CPS (Customer Programming Software). Think of CPS as RSS for Windows. Moto sells the software, like the manuals, through their spare parts system. Each software package, like each manual, has a part number, generally starting with RVN or HVN. RSS is DOS-based, and CPS runs only under Windows, but some people refer to all Motorola programming software as RSS. The earliest CPS runs under Windows 95, some packages run on Windows 98 and some runs under Windows 2000, XP, 7, etc. Windows 95, 98 and ME had some USB support but it was very inconsistent and you will be smart to NOT count on it. Personally, if I need to run a Windows 95, 98 or ME program I use only a 9-pin \"D\" connector cable.
The revision (or version) number only comes in to play when Moto updates that particular RSS. Naturally revision 2 is later (newer) than revision 1. And the version number of the RSS is embedded in the data block that is loaded in the radio - to change the programming later you need to use the same version or a newer one (more on this in the articles below).
RIB or RIBless And what's a RIB A newcomer to programming Motorola radios has to first understand the question, then answer it before the purchase of his first cable. Many people do not understand the parameters of the decision to go with a RIBless cable versus a RIB coupled with one or more \"dumb\" cables.
We will discuss the D-shaped connector ones first: They aren't really RIBless as these serial cables take advantage of a design quirk in the serial port (sometimes called the data port) built into some radios which allows the use of a very simple RIB circuit that works most of the time and some manufacturers package them into the shell of the connector that plugs into the COM port on the computer. These expensive cables are capable of programming a limited number of radios: model numbers include the GP300, GP350, GTX, MaxTrac, Radius Mobile, GM300, etc. and several others. These cables are very attractive to those folks that have a fleet of all or mostly one kind of radio.
My personal opinion: I'd build (or buy) a real RIB and a dumb cable because if you have problems with a RIBless cable you will never know if it is the USB to serial converter, the quirky RIB circuit, the radio, the inconsistent USB support in the older Windows, or .... Some inexpensive RIBless cables purchased from ebay just don't work, and for multiple reasons - some are wired up wrong, others have weird USB to serial converter chips, others have shoddy construction and fall apart. 99% of the time you are normally dealing with a company in Hong Kong, Tiawan or mainland China. In many cases they speak English only until they have your money - after that they just ignore you or pretend to not understand. Every single person that I know that has bought a RIBless cable has sooner or later ended up buying (or building) a real RIB and the appropriate cable(s) - for one of three reasons:1) He gets a better radio, for example graduating from a GM300 or MaxTrac (that can use a DE-9 RIBless cable) to a Spectra or Syntor X9000 (that can't), or ... 2) He's damaged the expensive RIBless cable (just try and get a schematic of it to do any troubleshooting, and many are nonrepairable because they are molded rubber or potted), or ...3) The RIBless cable is inconsistent - this first showed up with a friend that has 8 or 9 GM300s and a few Maxtracs in his extended family - a couple for Civil Air Patrol, several more for for ham radio (6m, 2m and UHF), all of the UHF ones include the GMRS channels, another is the dispatch base at the business, and a few more are bolted into the business trucks. The chinese RIBless cable he purchased would program some radios but not others. My real RIB and homemade cable did every one, every time, and with his computer.As I said above, either way sooner or later every single friend of mine that purcashed a RIBless cable eventually acquired a RIB and a repairable or duplicate-able quality dumb cable. Over the long term they had more consistent programming, less discord and a more cost-effective arrangement.
Background Information IBackground Information IIThis was written after someone saw the first article, and felt that some topics were not adequately covered.The Radio Interface Box (RIB)A look at the hardware involved.Radio Service Software (RSS)Some additional details not in the above writeups.An overview of a common problem in the Radio Service SoftwareThis article expands on a problem that was touched on only lightly and in passing in the Background Information II article above. You may never see it but Friend #1 fought it for a weekend and decided to share...Introduction to RSS and Radio Programming by Robert W. Meister WA1MIKThis article describes the various pieces of the puzzle - how to connect them, how to set them up - to allow you to easily and successfully program many of the older Motorola radios. It's geared towards the user who just bought a radio, needs to program it, and is new to RSS and RIBs.Modifying the Radio Service Software (RSS)Sometimes you have to modify (edit at the hexadecimal level) the RSS to allow it to do what you want (like entering amateur radio frequencies on 28-30 MHz, 50-54 MHz, or 902-927 MHz). Sometimes you have to patch a 450-470 MHz range to 440-470 MHz, or a 146-174 MHz range radio to 144-174 MHz. There are pitfalls to watch out for, especially when you buy or sell a radio.Pentium Compatible Radio Service Software (RSS)Some additional details not in the above writeups.There is an article that describes hex-editing the MT1000 (P200) Low-band RSS so it allows 42-54 MHz frequency entry, by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK. It can be found on the Genesis page of the Motorola section of this web site.There is a \"Secrets of the MDF file\" article by Robert W. Meister WA1MIK on the GTX page of the Motorola section. While it is somewhat GTX-specific, it's worth reading before you read the next article.Hex-editing the MaxTrac MDF file for UHF and 900 MHz by Robert W. Meister WA1MIKThis article describes the process that you have to do to modify the Maxtrac MDF file for easier programming on UHF or 900 MHz amateur frequencies. The procedure is applicable to other programs as well.Hex-editing the MTS2000 RSS for 900 MHzSomeone read the article above and created a patch for the MTS2000 RSS.Reasons for using LAB vs Regular RSSFrom a thread on another web site. Initially asked about MaxTrac RSS but applies to many other radio product lines.
You will want to maintain a programming notebook and write notes to yourself for future programming sessions. You will also want to read the release notes for the RSS or CPS (and the book that comes with it if you can get your hands on it) before you program a new-to-you radio for the first time. You will discover quirks that go with specific RSS or CPS. For example, on a \"Waris\" family radio (an HT750/1250/1550/EX500/EX600/CDM)... You will get an \"unknown component\" message (why couldn't they use easy-to-understand error messages) and you won't be able to get past it until you read the release notes and you will discover that:a) you MUST launch the CPS program and let it initialize and be stable, and ...b) the RIB must be on, and ...c) the radio has to be powered up and stable, and ... All of this has to be done BEFORE you connect the programming cable to the radio. ...then you download the radio, make your changes, upload the codeplug to the radio... THEN YOU HAVE TO WAIT... the radio will beep after the codeplug is finished loading, then it will reset, then beep again and then and only then can you disconnect the cable and power off the radio. 153554b96e