This will be the first such empanelment based on performance in the Indian Railways which has so far banked on \"seniority\" for filling top posts, officials said. The secretary-level posts -- that of Chairman Railway Board, four Board members and two Director Generals -- will now be called Indian Railway Management Service (Level-17) posts.
The application would also have to be accompanied with the latest copy of annual property return filed by the applicant clearly indicating the date of filing. The last date for receipt of applications will be 21 days from the date of issue of this letter that is June 7, 2022. Officials said that this system would end departmentalism. This also does away with the need to merge all officers from different services into a common seniority list, which was proving to be a bone of contention.
This will be the first such empanelment based on performance in the Indian Railways which has so far banked on \"seniority\" for filling top posts, officials said.The secretary-level posts -- that of Chairman Railway Board, four Board members and two Director Generals -- will now be called Indian Railway Management Service (Level-17) posts.
Officials said that this system would end departmentalism. This also does away with the need to merge all officers from different services into a common seniority list, which was proving to be a bone of contention.
Unification of eight existing services of Indian Railways for Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS) is being done at all levels, i.e., from Junior Scale to HAG+ (Higher Administrative Grade). However, modalities for unification and assignment of inter se seniority were to be decided by Alternative Mechanism. For this, Ministry of Railways and DOPT worked together to work out the necessary formula before it is taken up by Alternative Mechanism ensuring that no one will be at a disadvantage.
As per IREM 320 length of the service is to be taken to determine seniority of the Gr D employee for Promorion , if same employee:s seniority is changed due to Inter Railway Mutual transfer , Which seniority is to be taken for Promotion purpose.
Although [Jordan] makes many arguments for why and how PPP might be a negative force, he misses the main point of why PPP or any other law firm profit metric exists. They exist to drive behavior. Firms need their partners to behave in profitable ways and need to set clear expectations of what those ways are. Without a clear expectation, firms can fully expect partners to perform in whatever way enhances their self interest, regardless of its impact of the economic health of the firm.
Jordan Furlong delivers dynamic and thought-provoking presentations to law firms and legal organizations throughout North America on how to survive and profit from the extraordinary changes underway in the legal services marketplace. He is a partner with Edge International and a senior consultant with Stem Legal Web Enterprises.
The result might be very different service delivery, billing and compensation systems, minimizing individual performance and maximizing team, practice and firm performance. Investors would bring to bear a more contemporary suite of tools and techniques for managing the delivery of legal services. They would be astounded by the enormous duplication of efforts at law firms.
If we allowed businesspeople to invest in and join the leadership of our law firms, I suspect that more and better smart systems and processes would be developed and refined on an accelerated basis, systems that would accomplish many legal tasks beyond drafting and researching, reaching even to some problem solving. If this were to happen, the billable hour and the lawyer compensation systems grounded upon it would largely become anachronisms. Savvy outside investors would find that too many smart lawyers and too few smart systems currently inhabit our law firms.
Some banks are increasing their scrutiny of law firm loans, attaching more covenants and conditions and looking ahead to how well firms can collect their receivables in the coming year. According to some bankers and consultants who focus on law firm lending, a lag in collection time is pushing firms not just to borrow more money but also to increase holdbacks on partner compensation and, perhaps, decrease overall profit distributions. 153554b96e