General Horse And The Package Of Doom Free Down...
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The first traces of doom in rock music could be heard as far back as The Beatles' 1969 track \"I Want You (She's So Heavy)\".[9][10] Black Sabbath is generally regarded as being the progenitors of doom metal.[6] Black Sabbath's music is (in and of) itself stylistically rooted in blues, but with the deliberately doomy and loud guitar playing of Tony Iommi, and the then-uncommon dark and pessimistic lyrics and atmosphere, they set the standards of early heavy metal and inspired various doom metal bands.[7] In the early 1970s, both Black Sabbath and Pentagram (also as side band \"Bedemon\") composed and performed this heavy and dark music, which would in the 1980s begin to be known and referred to as doom metal by subsequent musicians, critics and fans.[3] Bobby Liebling, Pentagram's vocalist, also cite bands like Black Widow, Night Sun, Iron Claw, Toe Fat and Taste as pioneers of the doom metal sound.[11]
Drone metal (also known as drone doom) is a style of doom metal that is largely defined by drones; notes or chords that are sustained and repeated throughout a piece of music.[87][88][89] Typically, the electric guitar is performed with large amounts of reverb and feedback[87] while lacking the presence of drums and vocals.[60][90] Songs are often very long and lack beat or rhythm in the traditional sense.[60] Drone metal is generally influenced by drone music,[87] noise music,[87] and minimalist music.[87] The style emerged in the early 1990s and was pioneered by Earth,[91] Boris, and Sunn O))).[87]
Bledsoe gave me his horse, expecting to reach my horse in timeto get away; but my horse was two or three hundred yards fromwhere he left me, both horses were badly frightened at the noiseof the battle and by their company's leaving them, so we bothwere in a bad fix. The horses were jumping around in alldirections; and had I got a chance at the stirrup, I could not haveborne a pound on my sprained ankle nor could I stand on it toraise the other foot from the ground. I saw a short log near by andmanaged to get on it, and as old Tuck came by I fell across thesaddle like a sack of meal, then kicked and pawed the air until Igot straight in the saddle. While those circus performances weregoing on, old Tuck was carrying me in a lope right toward theYankees, who were about one hundred and fifty yards from meon the Charlotte Pike. I don't think any of them saw me until wewere flying through the woods getting away from there, and atthat time it was a perfect waste of Uncle Sam's ammunition to tryto get their bullets to overtake old Tuck and me. In plunging overthe big rocks in a creek at the foot of the big hill we had justpassed over, the bits came out of old Tuck's mouth, and I had onlythe halter rein to guide with; but the woods were open, the groundlevel, so we made good time for a mile or so down the river. Ithen turned out to the pike and found our horse holders. As Ipassed in sight of poor Bob he was cutting some tall capers tryingto get to the side of my horse to mount him. But I knew his doomwas sealed, for the Yankees were coming to him in a run, and Ithought sure they would get him and my horse too; but Bob knewI would not like it if he letthose Yankees get Charley, so he turned him loose. He ranthrough the Yankee lines and never stopped until he got with hisown people. Colonel Outlaw, of Kentucky, saw him coming fromthe Yankees and took him in, his old horse having played out onthe run. My clothes in the saddlebags proved to him the he wasnot a Yankee horse, if he did have on a Yankee saddle.
That night we all had a free invitation to go to the theater, oneof the attractions of which was the noted negro musician BlindTom. But I was sick and could not take in those pleasures. Whenwe got to Montevallo, I was left there with eight or ten others.Some were sick and the horses of some had played out. Westruck our little camp in a cedar thicket near the depot. It rainednearly every day, and our little hog shelters did not keep us dry. Irode out one evening to see the rolling mills, where they wererolling out rods and bars of iron of all sizes.
DOME has a long series of these, which is not at all comforting when dealing with a nuclear reactor whose core runs on several tons of weapons-grade plutonium. To make it worse, it's realized only at a very late stage that the warning systems have been corrupted by a power brown-out due to a short caused by a metal staple, and that's the point at which all hell starts to break loose. Fire & Blood: During the Dance of the Dragons, things seem to be going pretty good for Rhaenyra, at first. Then comes the First Battle of Tumbleton. Two dragon-riders on her side go rogue. This convinces her all bastard-borns can't be trusted, so she demands her husband / uncle Daemon get rid of his goodness-knows-what Nettles. Daemon is so broken by this betrayal he commits suicide by nephew. In the meantime, the second of Rhaenyra's first three children is killed in battle, and her youngest son goes missing. At this point, her half-sister Heleana dies under extremely suspicious circumstances, and the people of King's Landing go completely apeshit. The ensuing riot loses her the city, a good chunk of her guard, the third of her first three children and all the dragons. Rhaenyra is forced to flee King's Landing, and finds all her allies suddenly can't or won't help her. She's forced to sell her own crown just to get back to the safety of Dragonstone, and when she gets there, she's betrayed and horribly killed. The Hunt for Red October introduces a Soviet submarine, with an overworked technician failing to notice that one gauge is a bit too high. Ten pages later, a sphere of molten metal has destroyed the sub. Worse than that: he noticed the gauge was a bit too high, but he was prevented from fixing it by the urgency of their mission. The book then goes into detail about how, to save money, the Soviet Navy used steel instead of titanium for a small \"flapper\" valve which, when subjected to the hot radioactive water of the nuclear power plant cooling system, warped ever so slightly, causing small \"waves\" in the cooling pipe water. These waves grew larger and larger over time until eventually the system, not designed to deal with the pressure variation, sprung a leak. This then results in the reactor going critical, melting down, and every single person on the submarine dying from either drowning or asphyxiation. Because of a ten-cent savings in metal costs. As if that's not bad enough, the US then uses the sunken submarine to steal the Soviet Navy's highly advanced and extremely expensive new missile submarine. So really, because of a ten-cent savings in metal costs, the Soviet Navy loses the Red October. The Kingkiller Chronicle: The Cthaeh is utterly malevolent, has perfect knowledge of the future, and loves creating these. The Fair Folk make a point of killing anything that's ever gotten near it, believing that anyone who's spoken to the Cthaeh is doomed to bring incredible misfortune and suffering. Discussed when Kvothe points out that the Cthaeh is hugely limited, since it can't create the worst possible future, only the worst future it can provoke with one short conversation. Done with a series of mummified relics in Nation. The main characters flee the cloud of noxious dust that is quickly filling the cave, stopping halfway because there's a gap in the mummies and they think the chain will stop... until a flying rib manages to score a perfect hit. In the Revelation Space Series, the Glitter Belt, a vast ring of thousands of space stations over the planet Yellowstone is hit by the Melding Plague, a technological Grey Goo virus that corrupts higher technology. The Plague initially only destroyed a few space stations, but the destruction of the stations spawned more debris which took out further stations, creating even more debris which took out more stations, recursively, creating Kessler Syndrome (see Real Life). When the Glitter Belt is shown 10 years later in Chasm City, it has been reduced to a few dozen aging enclaves in the so-called \"Rust Belt\", with the lower orbits clogged with debris that the Banshees use as cover. In David Eddings' The Sapphire Rose, Disaster Dominoes is taken to hilarious and literal levels when Talen decides on a good way to deal with undead soldiers who guard a single flagstone: push one onto the flagstone of another. It gets messy. Played straight in Bernard Werber's \"The Thanatonauts\", in which the angels use a rat to engineer a series of events, eventually leading to a plane crashing into the main characters' apartment building, killing them all. The West African folk tale \"Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears\" (which the page quote is from) tells the tale of Mosquito, who tells a lie to an iguana and sets off a chain of events that results in one of Mother Owl's children being killed, and thus she refused to wake the sun so the day would come until she knew who was responsible. Similarly, there's the Western \"The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly\", which couples this with Serial Escalation (she ate a spider to catch the fly, a mouse to catch the spider, etc.), until finally dying from eating a horse. The first part of World War Z is basically a big domino effect on how the world first reacted to the virus. From an isolated first case in China to sporadic attacks in hospitals to all-out chaos in South Africa, and so on. In Worm, this is the Simurgh's most dangerous method of attacking humanity. As a Precog so powerful that she is effectively omniscient, and being the only telepath in the setting, she uses her powers to influence people that she knows will be in critical positions some time in the future, at which point they abruptly go insane and begin sabotaging whatever efforts to save humanity they are involved in. This is made even worse by the fact that she's a city-destroying monstrosity who broadcasts a psychic scream across geographic distances whenever she attacks, creating potentially hundreds of thousands of sleeper agents. People caught on after the first few attacks and began implementing countermeasures, but it's suggested that many of these countermeasures play directly into her hands. Star Healer in the Sector General series spends nearly two pages on exposition to set up just how idiots managed to do something as megalomaniacally stupid as to crash two spacecraft together in deep space. A tug fleet moving a habitat of Asteroid Miners comes uncomfortably, but safely, close to a bulk cargo carrier hauling girders and sheet metal processed from asteroid-mined minerals. This being space, the carrier essentially has no exterior hull. The senior tug captain, intimidated by the mountain of hard pointy bits closing in with his live cargo, insists that the cargo carrier back off. The carrier captain tries to correctly point out that they'll pass with plenty of room and there's no danger, but the regs say to shut up and give the passenger hauler the safety measures it wants. The carrier begins a maneuver, agonizingly slow thanks to its massive bulk, which momentarily places it in the habitat's path. The habitat supervisor decides that, although there's no real danger, this would be a very good time to run an emergency drill. The senior tug captain, his live cargo now blazing with hazard lights and klaxons blaring over the radio, decides to act like a six-year-old and sends tugs to shove the carrier with pressor beams to assist it in its maneuver. The carrier fires its engines to carry it out of the habitat's path... and the engines fail to fire, possibly because some idiot just manhandled the ship's exposed components with pressor beams. The collision is slow as these things go, but tears the habitat's forward face apart and flings debris deep into its interior. *sigh*. 59ce067264