Cara Install Patch, DLC Dan Mod The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim
Free Commander XE (FCXE) is an easy-to-use alternative to the standard windows file manager (windows explorer). If you want to see the virtual filing system of MO in action, for example to test if MO is working correctly, you should start FCXE from inside MO. Navigate to your /data directory. What you see here is what MO exposes to all programs started from inside MO, including Skyrim itself. If you use the windows explorer to navigate to your /data directory you see only the files of a fresh install of Skyrim. That is under the assumption you have not placed other files/mods in here (manually or using NMM).Note: When you have installed the High Resolution Texture Pack DLC, those files will be installed by Steam in the /data directory. The same is true for the other three non-free DLC's. When you navigate to the directory where the regular skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini files reside and open these files you also see the contents you configured using MO. Its also possible to edit both ini files. 2b1af7f3a8