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Astrophysicists are finding that big bang does not hold up. It is time forthe field to move beyond the big bang. Its time for the religion of scienti-fism to be replaced by a religion of science, a religion of truth.
The big bang explanation of the origin of the universe is, at best, anunfalsifiable hypothesis. Its basic premises are so vast that they could not beproven by any observation. We cannot refute the hypothesis that the universe hada beginning in time. But we can say that the laws of the universe aresuch that the universe could not have had a beginning in time.
The universe is comprised of matter and energy, which are apparentlyfundamentally indistinguishable in all respects. Yet the two components arethe source of all structure and of the properties of matter and energy. How didthey come to be distinguishable in the first place? Did they start out as almostidentical and then become distinguishable by some process? We have neitherthe explanation for this nor for the initial conditions; they are arbitrary. Becausethe fundamental constituents are indistinguishable, small differences in initial conditionswill lead to big differences in the outcomes that follow. This is a coreprediction of the big bang that has not been confirmed...
Where did the universe come from? According to the big bang model, theuniverse began at a single point in time, exploded, and now extends infinitely.The density of the universe is such that, in spite of the expansion, theuniverse cannot be observed to be any smaller in any part of it. How did theuniverse come into existence? Whatever the beginning conditions, the universeexisted for some time as a uniform, isotropic, and homogeneous cloud of matter.Then, some time ago, something happened to differentiate one part of theuniverse from another, to create structure, and to set the universe off on itspresent course...
In 2006, TheRevival of the Big Bang was published. This book describes the big bang from ahistorical perspective. It covers the problems of the universe and othermodels, but it also has a section on “the big bang,” which we willdiscuss later. The book provides a comprehensive, scientific look at thebig bang and includes a description of the history of the model.
In 1999, the Russian scientist Andrei Linde published a book, Fluctuationsof the Early Universe and the Theory of the Big Bang, which examinedthe big bang from a mathematical perspective. He described how theuniverse was created from a very small point of time, to a point of expansion, andthen to a point of contraction. He found the theory to be consistent, andhe made several predictions.6
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