Anky Saddle Serial Number Lookup !!EXCLUSIVE!!
Here is a sample Passier Saddle Number Check along with the expected results in a picture. The actual number beneath the first set of numbers (the tree size) is the actual tree size. The second number beneath the tree size is the year of production. The third number beneath the tree size is the Passier Saddle number.
When looking at the numbers beneath the tree size, the Passier Saddle Number Check informs you of the year of production and that the Passier Saddle was made with a stitched leather sole, as well as if it was made with an 8mm or 10mm leather sole.
The Passier Saddle Number Check is available at This is the official website of Passier and it is owned by Passier International. At you can browse all Passier Saddles, Order, get further information and find a Passier dealer. is an official dealer of Passier International. is a website of Passier International. does not sell Passier Saddles.
The saddle numbers are stamped in two places. First of all, in the reverse of the leather component along the bead. The number is stamped in the bead area. Secondly, the Passier saddle number is stamped into the leather in the area of the bearing.
If you want to purchase a Passier saddle from our online shop, please be aware that you can only order saddle numbers that are available. Unfortunately, we no longer have stock of saddle numbers that are marked with “1” or “3”.
You can also call one of our sales representatives and ask them to provide you with the number of the Passier saddle you want. When we have the number, we will send you an email with a link to order it.
It is easier for us to keep records and to check numbers if we have the original sales order. We would be very grateful if you can send us the original sales order of the Passier saddle you want to have your number on.
If you want to order a Passier saddle in one of our stores or if you want to buy more than one Passier saddle, you can apply for a Passier credit card. This credit card allows you to order our products in our online shop, contact us or visit our stores. 827ec27edc